Edwin 01/05/2009 - 24/03/2014 It is with a heavy heart and much sadness that I have to report that Edwin was put to sleep on the 24th March 2016. He was quite a character and a lovely looking horse his passing brings much sadness to us. He came to us with a number of troubles and we spent a large number of hours with him trying to rehabilitate him along with other professionals. We had reached the decision that he would not reach a safe standard to be a ridden horse again and had hopped to retire him to a life in the field. However over the last few months he developed a number of behavioral problems and it took significant time and sensitive handling to do even basic activities with him come the end including putting a head collar on or changing his rug. He became permanently anxious and appeared frightened of basic everyday items and activities around him. It was clear that this behavior was getting significantly worse with time and he started having issues relating to the herd and demonstrated growing aggressive behavior for no apparent reason. Suspicion turned to problems affecting his brain and cognitive function as there was little else to explain the degrading behavior and growing issues. Things came to a head mid March when he attacked our young horse Sammy Rolo causing significant injuries. Following this and in consultation with the many other professionals and agencies who had worked with us to try and rehabilitate him regarding options for him to have a safe future, the very sad decision was made that it was in his best interest and the safety of the other herd horses and handlers that he should be put to sleep. At least he knows he was much loved during his time with us and we faced our ultimate responsibility for his welfare. He can now rest in peace free from pain and the issues that troubled him. God rest his soul. Edwin Edwin came to join us at the farm on the 25th October 2014 aged 5 Years. He is an Appaloosa Irish sports horse born 01/05/2009. We collected him from his former home near Peterborough and had a good trip back. He was slowly introduced to his new friends on the Saturday he arrived. Within an hour he was introduced to the others in the field. A little rank and politics was in play but they settled. His new rugs awaited him along with other presents we got him. A new lunge kit is on its way for him and he is due to be fitted for a new saddle on the 30th October. Edwin on the Yard the day after he arrived A smart looking lad he was a brave boy in the evening he arrived as they had a spectacular fireworks display over at Mildenhall Stadium and while we stood with him in the field to see he was OK he just watched the display with us with interest. A brave young man we think!
Edwin in the field with his new friends on his day of arrival We spent a few hours introducing Edwin to his new friends and although we made it as low energy as possible the ranking order is still being sorted. We expect Edwin to be number 2 under Daly when all settles.
Edwin in the school have a lunge warm up